Get aligned around your goals
Simple & straightforward project management tool based on what really matters the most. Your goals.
Democratize your roadmap by setting goals with context, instead of creating a wall of tasks.
Simple and effortless collaboration without any limitations. Everyone is invited to the party!
Get a birds-eye view of the progress you make as well as personal updates
Set & prioritize your goals.
Turn your project management into a source of information instead of a list of frustration. Communicate the timeframe & impact of your goals and democratize your roadmap.
Add & delegate tasks.
Rome wasn't built in a day, neither will your goals. Divide your goals into small & meaningful chunks and delegate them. Let everyone see the bigger picture as well as their role in it.
Collect resources, collectively.
Make the latest version of your documents, designs, issues, feedbacks... accessible. Just provide the link and voila! Living bookmarks for everyone, directly in your goal.